Emergency Information

Emergency Management

为学生、客人和员工提供一个安全的学习、参与环境 在个人丰富活动和校园工作是运作的基石 at Alvin Community College. 不断努力保障人身财产安全 are protected from harm such as:

  • 24-hour patrols and assistance from Campus Police
  • 与当地执法机构的互助协议
  • 24-hour access to maintenance personnel
  • Use of a comprehensive communications network
  • 实施全面、适应性强的应急计划等等

如果紧急情况确实发生,学院的目标是最有效地处理它 尽可能减少对人身和财产造成伤害的可能性或程度的方式.

为紧急情况做准备也是个人的责任. When students, 客人和员工都熟悉应急计划和程序,并有个人的 突发事件应急预案,安全和适当应对的能力 emergency are greatly enhanced. The College has numerous resources relating to emergency preparedness. 除了熟悉所列的材料之外 更多信息可从ACC校园警察处获取.

To Report an Emergency

要报告紧急情况或潜在的紧急情况,请联系ACC校园警察 at (281) 756-3700 or in person at Building H, Room 132.

Examples of emergencies include:

Utility failures Smoke and/or fire Chemical or radiation spills
Serious weather Violent/criminal behavior Civil disturbances
Terrorist attacks Bomb threats Aircraft accidents on or near campus
Life/health threatening medical/psychological problems Transportation accidents  

RAVE Alert

RAVE ACC的紧急通知系统是为了迅速警告学生可能发生的情况吗 threats, severe weather and college closings.  Students are automatically enrolled each semester of attendance.  Students must provide emergency contact information 并应通过POD或招生和注册处更新这些信息 Office.

Automated External Defibrillators (AED's)

AED是一种分析心律的医疗设备. If necessary, it delivers 电击,也就是去纤颤,可以帮助心脏重建 effective rhythm (heartbeat). In an emergency, call ACC Police at 281-756-3700 or call 911.

Brazoria County Hurricane Preparedness

该网站为市民提供重要的资讯、协助和资源 of Brazoria County to be prepared for emergencies.

School Closings on ABC 13


Emergency Management Plan

vns7908威尼斯城官网应急管理计划确定了自然灾害和人为灾害 可能影响校园社区的紧急情况,并详细说明应对程序 学校官员在紧急情况下应该跟进. The basic emergency procedures 在本指南中概述的是通过有效利用大学来保护生命和财产 资源,并为成员的身心健康提供保障 在紧急情况发生时和发生后的校园社区.

本文档描述了应对学院紧急情况的综合计划. 当影响学院的紧急情况达到无法处理的程度时 根据常规措施,总统或其指定人员可宣布紧急状态 and implement the Emergency Management Plan. It is recognized that the specific actions 执行情况将视情况的性质和严重程度而定. Since an 紧急情况可能是突然的,没有警告,这些程序的设计是灵活的 为了适应各种类型和规模的偶发事件.

Emergency Response Team

当发生紧急情况时,ACC校园警察将联系校园紧急情况的成员 响应小组,由策略组和响应组组成. The policy group 由总裁领导,包括计划小组成员. The Emergency Response Team includes the following:

  • Emergency Director: College President or designee
  • Emergency Coordinator: Chief of Campus Police
  • Physical Damage: Director of Physical Plant
  • Financial Impact: Vice President of Financial Services
  • Academic Impact: Vice President of Instruction
  • Student Impact Dean of Students
  • Employee Impact: Director of Human Resources
  • Legal Considerations: President or designee
  • Public Information: Assistant to the President
  • Technology Resources: Director of Information Technology
  • Student and Academic Impact: Dean of Academic Programs
  • Student and Academic Impact: Dean of Technical Programs
  • 学生和学术影响:vns7908威尼斯城官网执行主任

紧急情况反应小组负责执行整个紧急情况 Management Plan . 所有小组成员将通知并协调额外的工作人员支持 为应付紧急情况所需要,同时听取总统的规划意见 小组将作出紧急政策决定,并在必要时请求外部援助. 其他校园个人可能会发现有必要作出回应,这取决于紧急情况 影响他们的个人单位和他们对什么类型的额外支持服务 unit can provide.

Information Technology Emergency Contingency Plan

协助确保资讯安全、服务连续性及持续沟通 在紧急情况下,行政协调会的信息技术部门有全面的, 灵活和适应性强的应急计划和系统,以应对各种情况 as outlined in the Emergency Management Plan. For more information, contact ACC IT Department at ITServices@xmhtjflaw.com or (281) 756-3536.

School Emergencies are announced on: 

  • KACC Radio and TV – The College’s radio station, KACC 89.7 FM, and television station, KACC电视频道16在康卡斯特,可以广播紧急情况和学校运作通知 and instructions.
  • ACC网站-信息和指南可以在学院的网站上发布 (qybgpg.xmhtjflaw.com).
  • 校园广告牌-信息和方向可以张贴在学院的户外 位于野马路和诺兰入口的35号绕城公路上的电子广告牌 Ryan Center.
  • 校园电话地址系统-行政协调会校园警察可以广播紧急情况 and instructions on the campus-wide telephone system.
  • 行政协调会电子通讯-资讯及指引可发送至行政协调会电子通讯的订户; the College’s monthly electronic newsletter. 
  • 媒体-可能会联系当地的印刷、广播和电视媒体通报紧急情况 and applicable instructions.
  • Twitter和Facebook——Twitter和Facebook的简短更新可能会实现,如果 适当的,发送读者到其他地点获取更详细的信息和 instructions.
  • 内部电视系统-信息和指示将能够被广播 学院的校园电视系统,它安装在整个建筑物 the main campus.