交通罚款 & 票上诉

All streets and roadways on the 艾尔文社区学院 campus are public roadways and the Texas Motor Vehicle Laws contained within the Uniform Act are enforced at 所有的时间.

Failure to display a current parking permit $5
Parking with parking decal improperly displayed $5
Failing to park within the lines of a designated space $5
Parking in an area without the proper decal for that area $10
Parking where prohibited by signs or markings $10
Parking in an area not designated a proper parking area $10
Blocking a crosswalk or sidewalk $10
Blocking a driving 车道 $10
Pulled through or vehicle placed backwards into a space $10
Parking in a Tow-away-Zone $10
Committing other parking violation $10
Parking illegally in a handicap zone or ramp $25
Exceeding posted speed limits $15
Operating motor vehicle in a prohibited direction on a one-way street or parking lot 车道 $15
Failing to yield right-of-way to pedestrians $15
Failing to stop before passing stop signs $15
Driving on sidewalks or off of roadways $15
Committing other moving violations $15
Committing any other violations as defined in the Official Texas Motor Vehicle Laws 书 $15
Altering, damaging, or moving college traffic signs, markings, or signal devices $15
Failing to obey proper traffic requests or directions of college police officers $15
Failing to observe temporary parking, route, detour, or barricade markings $15

If you prefer to pay your fine by mail, send the ticket and payment by check to the College Police Department.

Abandoned motor vehicles will be towed away from the campus and impounded after 3 days, unless arrangements are made in the College Police Department. 未经授权的 vehicles will be subject to fine and/or towing.

Ticket Appeal Procedure

College citations issued by the College Police Department are subject to the right 上诉. There are two options for resolving traffic citations:

  1. Pay reinstatement fee to clear fine.
  2. Contact the ACC Chief of Police and request an appeal.


All accidents occurring on a college campus roadway or parking lot should be reported immediately to the College Police Department. Officers will investigate all reportable accidents on college property, file all necessary reports, aide in the drivers' exchange of information, render needed first aid or summon appropriate medical assistance and arrange for vehicles to be towed if they are not operational.


Victims of theft or any type of criminal offense on the college campus should make an immediate report to the college Police Department. Prompt notification of any offense increases the possibility that property can be recovered and returned to its owner, and the likelihood that the suspect(s) will be apprehended.


All patrol vehicles are equipped with jumper cables to jump start dead batteries, and tools to unlock vehicles with keys locked in them. Officers will also assist drivers with flat tires when necessary.


You can contribute greatly to your own safety and the safety of others by using preventive measures and reporting violations. You can curtail the opportunity for criminal activity and improve the odds against your being victimized by practicing the following precautions:

  • Keep your automobile locked at 所有的时间s. Never leave the keys in the vehicle and avoid leaving property where it is visible (store this material in the trunk).
  • Personal property such as purses, briefcases, textbooks, etc.,永远都不应该离开 无人值守. Keep such items with you while in classrooms, cafeteria or student lounges.
  • Write name, address and driver's license number in all personal textbooks.
  • Make a record of the serial numbers of all personal property.
  • Mark for future identification all personal property.
  • Report promptly to the College Police Department all suspicious persons, out of the ordinary situations, questionable actions or dangerous conditions.
  • Make sure your office is locked when 无人值守, even for a short time.
  • While every effort will be made by the officers of the College Police Department to protect property and ensure a safe environment, the main responsibility for the safeguarding of an individual's property is that of the individual.